US aid package for Ukraine to be voted in 2024 — NBC

The Upper House of the US Parliament (Senate) believes that the negotiations regarding financing, which provides funds for Ukraine, are making progress. However, the draft law will be voted on next year.

NBC News reports this with reference to its own sources, Rubryka informs.

According to the senators, despite some progress, the draft law still requires "a lot" of technical work. Therefore, voting can take place only next year.

"We're not even close to [making] a deal. It's being pushed to next year," said Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.

It will be recalled that earlier, the Senate decided to postpone the vacation and resume work next week.

In particular, they wanted to continue the negotiations on the draft law on additional financing, which provides for funds for Ukraine.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Republicans who say measures to secure the US border are urgent "should have no problem continuing next week."

It should be noted that the Republicans are ready to consider the draft law only if there is a clause on strengthening control over immigration.

Aid from the US and EU partner countries

We will remind you that the US is running out of money intended to finance military aid to Ukraine. In this regard, President Joe Biden asked Congress for more than $100 billion, which includes more than $60 billion for Ukraine.

Congress is currently divided over the package, with Republicans pushing to include proposals to strengthen border security, particularly with Mexico.

Biden's request has so far not been approved due to political disputes and Republicans' unwillingness to vote for it until their initiatives are included in the package. Before that, Republicans had twice refused to include military aid to Ukraine in temporary spending bills to keep the US government funded this fall.

In the US Senate on December 7, the submission of a bill on aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan did not receive enough votes.

The President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, called the possibility of ending military aid to Ukraine "madness."

He urged Congress not to give Russian dictator Vladimir Putin a "gift" and pass aid to Ukraine before Congress goes on recess.

We will remind, with a call to approve additional military aid to Ukraine to fight against Russian aggression, that more than a hundred high-ranking European officials signed an appeal to the Congress of the United States of America.

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