The statement says air defense systems destroyed and intercepted the drones over Lipetsk, Rostov and Volgograd regions.
The drones attempted to attack a military airfield in the town of Morozovsk, where Russian frontline aircraft are stationed. Local reporters posted footage of the attack.
The Rostov governor claimed that "most of the drones had been destroyed."
The aftermath of the attack remains unknown, as the Russian authorities and Kremlin propaganda typically do not report damage.
Meanwhile, the airport in the Russian city of Volgograd temporarily suspended operations, with several arrivals and departures delayed.
The 559th Guards Bomber Regiment is based at the military airfield in Morozovsk, as frontline bombers Su-24, Su-24M, and Su-34 are stationed there.
Ukrainian drones have repeatedly attacked Russian airfields. On August 21, Ukraine's drone attack could completely destroy a strategic nuclear bomber of the Russian forces for the first time. The state has no engineering and technical base left for the new construction of such strategic aircraft.
On the night of August 30, drones also attacked an airfield in the Russian city of Pskov, damaging four Il-76 aircraft carrying Shahed UAVs.
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