Solutions to win: “Reaktyvna Poshta” charity organization launches mobile maintenance station for artillery troops

The mobile maintenance station and tire fitting for the 43rd separate artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was presented by the " Reaktyvna Poshta"[Reactive Post – ed.] charity organization: this project is strategically vital for the artillery.

The benefactors reported that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

Artillery inflicts 90% fire damage on the enemy, obliterating their warehouses, logistics, and command posts.

"Artillery is a large complex, not only howitzers and guns but also refueling stations, ammunition, etc. And if any element of this system fails, everything stops," comments a serviceman of the brigade present at the presentation.

There are 12 artillery brigades in Ukraine's armed forces, and their approximate needs are up to 200 mobile maintenance stations of a similar format.

What is the solution?

"Reaktyvna Poshta" regularly collects small and large donations and uses them to purchase or repair facilities for Ukrainian artillery units.

The budget of this project was 120 thousand dollars. This time, the Expla engineering marketing company, a regular patron of the charity organization, joined the fundraiser.

Photo: Facebook / 43 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Hetman Taras Triasylo

"This mobile maintenance station will ensure the working condition of the entire fleet of the brigade, i.e., uninterrupted operation of the artillery," says a serviceman of the brigade present at the presentation.

How does it work?

"Reaktyvna Poshta" and Expla have been collaborating for over a year, and thanks to this partnership, their contribution has enabled the repair of equipment worth 15 million dollars.

Photo: Facebook / 43 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Hetman Taras Triasylo

Such a station consists of two modules.

  • The first is directly the workshop. Its task is the repair and production of spare parts. It is equipped with seven powerful machines that perform various functions: a 20-ton press, a drilling and milling machine, a lathe and screw-cutting machine, and a crimper for high-pressure hoses.

Photo: Facebook / 43 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Hetman Taras Triasylo

"A lot of hydraulics are installed in artillery equipment, and this is its most vulnerable place, which most often suffers from shelling. The mobile maintenance station has installed machines that ensure the restoration of hydraulic units in particular; they cover a large part of our repair cases," said a military brigade member present at the presentation.

Photo: Facebook / 43 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Hetman Taras Triasylo

  • The second module is a tire assembly complex. All works with tires, and wheels can be carried out in it: aligning discs, mounting, and balancing. And most importantly, tire fitting is entirely independent of the tractor. The removable container has a 10 kW diesel generator and can perform its functions even in a clean field.

Photo: Facebook / 43 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Hetman Taras Triasylo

"But the greatest value of mobile maintenance station is that all these works can be "delivered" to any place. The tractor on which these complexes are installed can arrive at the battery concentration area, perform the work, and go to the next point.

As a result, time is saved, the risks of being hit by enemy fire are reduced, and more time is spent working on enemy targets," comments Dmytro Chukanov, co-founder of "Reaktyvna Poshta."

Photo: Facebook / 43 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Hetman Taras Triasylo

For reference:

This is already the 5th auto project of "Reaktyvna Poshta" for Ukraine's armed forces. The charity organization delivered a MAN tractor from Germany and purchased an additional trailer to implement it. Two sea containers were installed on this powerful base and transformed into repair and tire fitting stations.

According to the founders of the charitable organization, Pavlo Narozhny and Dmytro Chukanov, such a service complex can cover 90% of the repair needs of gunners right on the spot. It will radically change the time spent on restoring equipment.

The "Grand Instrument" company implemented the mobile maintenance station project in coordination with the deputy commander of the weapons brigade. That is, all equipment, machines, and tools are selected and coordinated by a professional, a specialist in the maintenance and repair of artillery equipment, with knowledge of all subtleties and potential problems.

"Reaktyvna Poshta" is a charitable organization that takes care of the Ukrainian missile forces and artillery needs.

It was founded by two IT specialists, Pavel Narozhny and Dmytro Chukanov, in 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea. After nine years of operation, Reaktyvna Poshta still remains the only military service center in Ukraine that exclusively equips artillerymen from household and repair tasks to large-scale projects to improve the combat capability and comfort of units.

Currently, no single Urahan MRLS is in service with Ukraine's armed forces which does not have spare parts supplied by Reaktyvna Poshta.

The Cobra aircraft-type strike UAVs, developed by engineers from Kryvyi Rih, have started to be mass-produced in Ukraine. These UAVs have a flight range of up to 300 km.

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