
Orbán blocks allocation of €50 billion for Ukraine from EU budget

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has vetoed the decision on a long-term budget aid program of €50 billion to Ukraine from the European Union. 

He announced this on X after the first day of the EU summit in Brussels, Rubryka reports.

Orbán noted that EU member states would reconsider financial assistance to Ukraine at the beginning of 2024 during a new summit.

"The summary of the nightshift: veto for the extra money to Ukraine, veto for the MFF (multi-year budget) review. We will come back to the issue next year in the EUCO after proper preparation," he wrote on social media.

Charles Michel, President of the European Council, also stated that negotiations on aid to Ukraine would continue next year. According to Bloomberg, one of the backup plans involves EU member countries sending money to Ukraine outside the EU budget process.

Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, mentioned that 26 EU member states agreed on a comprehensive budget package, including assistance to Ukraine. At the end of January, EU leaders will likely hold an additional summit to discuss funding issues.

In October, the European Parliament supported an initiative to create the Ukraine Facility, a new financial instrument for Ukraine totaling up to €50 billion for the period from 2024 to 2027.

However, Hungary vetoed the initiative, proposing that EU member countries share the aid package and initially provide only half of the approved amount. Budapest's plan involves EU states assessing whether to pay the remaining aid depending on Ukraine's needs.

Earlier, Charles Michel stated that EU leaders supported the opening of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

As reported by Rubryka, before the start of the EU summit, where the official start of negotiations with Ukraine would be discussed, the leaders of France, Germany, and the EU Council met with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban.

During a brief conversation with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, President Volodymyr Zelensky asked him to name at least one reason why Ukraine should not be in the European Union.

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