Prominent Ukrainian chef hosts cooking class for orphans and children with disabilities in Kyiv

The prominent Ukrainian chef known worldwide, Yevhen Klopotenko, held a cooking class for children from the Chernihiv Lyceum.

The invited participants are children deprived of proper parental care, orphans, kids with disabilities, and other socially vulnerable groups, Ukrainian media outlet ShoTam reports.

What is the problem?

The Borznyansky Lyceum in the northern Chernihiv region has 310 students who are orphans, children deprived of parental care, children with disabilities, and kids from low-income families in difficult life circumstances.

This is the largest number of students for the entire time of the school's operation, says Deputy Director Iryna Sova.

For several years in a row, the lyceum has been running cooking and hairdressing classes where children could learn to make new meals, cut hair or make hairstyles.

While studying, children acquire the skills of a real job. All these efforts are to ensure that they do not fear an unemployed future after graduation.

What is the solution?

The team of the famous chef Yevhen Klopotenko held a master class in Kyiv for children at the Borznyansky Lyceum for students.

Photo: ShoTam

How does it work?

Students learned to make varenyky (dumplings), a traditional Ukrainian dish, especially during Christmas.

The Osvitoria NGO hosted the cooking class as part of the "First Job" project.

The most important thing is that children leave these classes with knowledge and skills that cannot be lost, says Inna Ivanova, head of the project.

"Even if children do not choose the direction of the class they are studying for their future job, they can always use the acquired skills in another field or monetize their hobbies," she said.

The "First Job" project has been implemented by the Osvitoria NGO for over ten years, helping socially vulnerable and orphaned children to acquire first-profession skills and not be afraid of an unemployed future.

The NGO hosts classes in various schools where children learn the skills of a real profession under the guidance of professional mentors. Currently, 25 clubs in various practical jobs are operating in Ukraine.

Yevhen Klopotenko and UNICEF conduct cooking classes for children.

The interaction and joint cooking with a famous chef will help kids overcome their fears during the war. Therapists teach parents to support their children, while the chefs also discuss the foundation of healthy eating.

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