Estonia sends more Javelin launchers in €80 mln aid package to Ukraine

The Estonian government has supported the proposal of the country's DM Hanno Pevkur to provide Ukraine with a new military aid package worth 80 million euros.

The package will include Javelin anti-tank systems, machine guns, small arms ammunition, land and water transport, and diving equipment, the ERR reports.

"Estonia has decided to send Ukraine a military aid package worth 80 million euros, including Javelin anti-tank missiles. Ukraine's struggle for freedom can only be successful if its allies continue to help Ukrainians," the statement said.

The exact amount of equipment to be transferred is not disclosed for security reasons.
However, Pevkur assured that "the package is completed in such a way that it will bring maximum benefit to Ukraine" and at the same time will not harm Estonia's defense capabilities.

The minister said that Estonia proposes that the allies agree on the amount of military aid to Ukraine at a level of at least 0.25% of gross domestic product.

The minister says this is necessary to prevent the West from giving Russia hope that the war of attrition will pay off.

"We have to give the aggressor an understanding and confirmation that we will not leave Ukraine, we will continue to be with Ukraine, not only with military assistance, but also with military training," added the Estonian Defense Minister.

With this latest package, Estonia has provided Ukraine with military assistance worth almost 500 million euros, or about 1.4 percent of its GDP, since 2022.

Previously, Estonia has donated Javelins, howitzers, artillery ammunition, anti-tank mines, anti-tank grenade launchers, mortars, vehicles, communications equipment, field hospitals, medical supplies, personal protective equipment, and dry rations.

Estonia's budget for 2024 includes 30 million euros to support Ukraine. This was announced by Arseniy Pushkarenko, Head of the Interparliamentary Cooperation Group with the Republic of Estonia, from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

14 million euros of this amount are earmarked for infrastructure restoration, prosthetics for Ukrainian defenders, and training for local government representatives in the framework of European integration.

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