Despite the Kremlin's policy of forced passportization by threatening Ukrainians, most of those stuck in occupation citizens refuse to hook up to Russian citizenship. Starting next year, Ukrainians without a Russian passport will be considered foreigners in their native land, and currently, 60 to 70% of citizens refuse to receive enemy paper.
The situation with license plates is even worse, as the figures are way lower, and up to 80% of car owners refuse to put fake Russian license plates on their vehicles.
Starting next year, Russian forces will impose a ban on the movement of vehicles with Ukrainian license plates, continuing its policy of forced passportization of the region, as a Russian passport is required to change the license plate.
Traffic to occupied territories is possible only with a pass from the Kremlin-controlled administration. All passes are valid until the end of the year, and from January 1, they will be issued only if one has a Russian passport.
The National Resistance Center calls for further sabotaging the initiatives of the occupation administration, as this forces Russian troops to postpone bans on the movement and employment of Ukrainians.
Meanwhile, Russian authorities created new lists to deport children in occupied territories.
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