Rubryka reports from the scene of Kyiv rocket attack: city sets op support point to shelter affected residents

Falling debris from downed Russian rockets launched on the Ukrainian capital on the Wednesday night of December 13 damaged a multi-story building. Rescue teams had to evacuate residents to safe locations. 

Rubryka reports from the scene, citing the Kyiv City Military Administration.

To recap, powerful explosions happened in Kyiv. Russia attacked the capital with ten ballistic missiles.

According to the administration, the air defense system downed Russian aerial targets in Kyiv, and around ten cases of falling debris were recorded.

In the Dniprovskyi district, the shockwave shattered windows in two residential buildings. There was also a fire in a private residential house covering an area of 2 square meters. Falling rocket debris also hit three other private residential houses without causing fires.

There was partial destruction of buildings and auxiliary structures. Debris from the rocket fell onto the roadway, damaging the water supply network — emergency crews are working on-site.

The military administration said that a "resilience point" had been set up at School No. 98, ready to shelter residents of the multi-story building in the Dniprovskyi district, which suffered the most damage during the night rocket attack.

"All comfortable conditions are already prepared for people here — warmth, hot meals, drinking water, communication, recreation areas, medications, and more," said the administration.

In turn, Major General Volodymyr Kydon, the First Deputy Chief of the Kyiv City Military Administration, inspected the damaged building. He talked to residents and inquired about their urgent needs.

He also inspected the point's readiness to provide all necessary conditions for the residents' comfortable stay.

As of now, there is no full information about casualties. The oldest victim is 80 years old, and the youngest is five years old. In total, 53 residents of the capital have sought medical help.

Twenty of them were hospitalized, including two children. Thirty-three people received medical assistance on-site, including six children.

Moreover, debris impacts were recorded in:

  • Holosiivskyi district: debris fell onto the road without subsequent burning.
  • Darnytskyi district: a private house covering an area of 400 square meters caught fire.
  • Desnianskyi district: a fire on the 7th floor of a 9-story residential building and eight cars in the building's yard.

Evacuation of residents was carried out. Seventeen people were rescued, including seven children. The Red Cross is on-site, and Kyivpasstrans buses are deployed to provide warmth. Psychological support is also being offered.

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