The head of state reported that on Telegram.
"I am in constant contact with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. In a telephone conversation, we coordinated our positions before the meeting of the European Council. Thank you for the high evaluation of our work on implementing all the recommendations of the European Commission," Zelensky wrote.
He emphasized that Europe must resolutely defend its values and its unity. The head of state is convinced that Ukraine can count on the support of the President of the European Commission in this regard.
Zelensky thanked von der Leyen for her high assessment of Ukraine's work in implementing all the recommendations of the European Commission.
"We are counting on a positive decision regarding the allocation of 50 billion euros and the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU. Europe must resolutely defend its values and its unity. I know that we can count on the support of Mrs. President in this," he added.
In December, there will be a meeting of the European Council in Brussels, at which the leaders of the EU countries will have to decide on the creation of the so-called Ukrainian Fund within the framework of the multi-year budget of the EU for 2024-2027 in the amount of 50 billion euros.
Another important outcome of the summit may be the EU's decision to start negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova regarding membership in the European Union.
For reference:
On November 8, the European Commission officially recommended that the EU states start negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union.
At the same time, the EC presented a report on Ukraine's progress in 2023 with further recommendations. Among them is the need to implement all the recommendations of the Venice Commission regarding national minorities, namely to make some changes to the legislation on the state language, mass media, and education.
In turn, the Hungarian government also threatens to block the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union, claiming that the rights of Hungarians in Ukraine are being violated.
It should be noted that the leaders of the EU countries will decide at the summit on December 14. All leaders must agree to start negotiations.
EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell said at the end of the meeting of EU foreign ministers that Ukraine is a top priority and the EU will not tire of its support obligations.
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