18:59 07 Dec 2023

The largest recorded weight loss of Ukrainian soldier during his captivity is 77 kg – ombudsman


Ukrainian war prisoners remain in extremely disturbing conditions during their captivity in Russia, says the Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets.

The largest officially recorded weight loss of a person in five months of Russian captivity is 77 kilograms, he said during the conference related to freedom rights .

About 28,000 Ukrainian civilians are currently held in Russian captivity, he added.

The Ukrainian ombudsman told the story of a former prisoner, saying that Ukrainians in captivity are fed "something similar to colored water."

Ukrainian authorities are sometimes unable to find out the exact location and number of its citizens held captive by Russia.

Lubinets added that the Russians even prohibit people from writing letters.

Reports claim 4,337 Ukrainians were held captive, including 3574 military and 763 civilians. 1953 were released from captivity.

The last exchange of prisoners took place on August 7, when Ukraine returned 22 more soldiers from Russian captivity.

Since August of this year, Kremlin has suspended the exchange of war prisoners, trying to influence Ukrainian society and force the psyop that Ukrainian authorities are not working on this issue.

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