Biden: “The failure to support Ukraine is just absolutely crazy. It’s against US interests”

US President Joe Biden has labeled the possibility of halting military aid to Ukraine as "insanity." 

The New York Times reports that the US leader believes that the prospect of ending military assistance to Ukraine is "simply wrong."

"The failure to support Ukraine is just absolutely crazy. It's against US interests," said Biden.

The White House chief noted that the United States will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine.

"We will do it," said the American leader.

The day before, the Democratic majority in the US Senate unveiled a new budget request for approximately $111 billion.

The document involves providing financial assistance to Ukraine and Israel and a set of measures to protect the southern border of the United States with Mexico. However, this issue sparked lively debates between Democrats and Republicans.

Meanwhile, the head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, while in Washington at an event at the Institute of Peace on December 5, urged the US Congress to approve additional funding for Ukraine as quickly as possible.

"If the assistance being discussed in Congress is delayed — I'm not saying it's rejected — it creates a great risk that we will be in the same position as we are now. And, of course, this will likely make it impossible to continue liberating territories and create a significant risk of losing the war," the head of the Ukrainian President's Office said.

He added that Ukraine needs not only military aid but also budget support.

"Ukraine is currently working with partners to finalize the plan for next year. We want to win as quickly as possible because two years have already passed, and two years is a long time," said Yermak.

As Rubryka reported, back in October of this year, the White House requested about $106 billion from the US Congress for Ukraine, Israel, and other priority areas.

Debates are ongoing in the US Congress about strengthening the border with Mexico. Republicans have put forward a demand, threatening not to support funding for Ukraine if immigration legislation is not adopted.

However, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stressed that Ukraine was on the brink of a challenging winter, so the US must support its partner.

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