In his speech during the Reagan National Defense Forum, Austin listed the key reasons for the importance of Ukraine for the US and the world.
"Now, in both Israel and Ukraine, democracies are fighting ruthless foes who are out to annihilate them. And we will not let Hamas or Putin win. And we will not let our enemies divide or weaken us."
Austin believes that after 21 months of Putin's failed conquest campaign, Russian troops are significantly weakened.
"First of all, thanks to the incredibly brave Ukrainian military. But Ukraine's achievements are also the result of bipartisan U.S. leadership and the coalition of nearly 50 countries that we have built," the U.S. Defense Secretary said.
The Pentagon still urgently needs bipartisan support in Congress to pass an additional law to provide urgent security assistance to partners in Ukraine, Israel and other countries.
However, the head of the defense department is confident that the Russian dictator will not be able to outlast Ukrainians.
"Now, despite his isolation, Putin believes that he can survive the Ukrainians. But he is wrong," he said.
Austin also noted that the Russian president also thinks he can outlast us.
"He believes that our coalition will collapse, that our willpower will fade, and that our democracy will simply turn away. But once again, Putin is wrong.
And we must continue to make clear to the American people the stakes in Ukraine," the US Defense Secretary emphasized.
The Pentagon chief noted that the Kremlin is waging an unjust war of imperial aggression, while Ukraine is defending itself.
He emphasized that "this gives Ukraine a huge strategic advantage in a fair fight."
Austin noted that the Kremlin is waging an unjust war of imperial aggression while Ukraine defends itself.
He emphasised that "that gives Ukraine the huge strategic advantage of a just cause."
The head of the Pentagon once again stated that Ukraine is of great importance for the USA and the whole world for four key reasons:
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