The nearly month-long border blockade has been upholding Ukrainian exports and causing more EU members join the Polish campaign.
As of the morning of December 3, according to information received from Polish border guards, more than 2,500 trucks were queuing up to cross into Ukraine.
A certain number of trucks do cross the border, but they are very few in number compared to before November 6, when the protests unraveled.
Poland reported that it has tightened control on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
"We are in constant dialog with the transportation industry. During our last meeting, we agreed that state services would intensify truck inspections at the Polish-Ukrainian border. This was one of the industry's demands," said Alwin Gajadhur, Minister of Infrastructure of Poland.
The Minister of Infrastructure emphasized that the government will also take measures in European institutions aimed at eliminating unfair competition in the transport market.
The upcoming summit of the EU Transport Council scheduled for Monday is the moment when the EU should raise the issue of the consequences of abolishing the requirement for Ukrainian drivers to have EU entry permits.
On November 6, Polish carriers went on strike and blocked a number of major checkpoints.
The Polish government cannot unilaterally affect the agreement between Ukraine and the EU bloc on freight liberalization, despite the fact that this is one of the protesters' demands.
The Ukrainian side has set up a headquarters office to help drivers blocked at the border.
Polish farmers who joined the blockade of carriers on the border with Ukraine, despite initially planning to block the border crossing until Saturday, want to continue their protest 24 hours a day until January 3.
On December 1, Ukraine and Poland agreed to partially unblock the border.
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