14:43 01 Dec 2023

Most Ukrainians deem elections in wartime dangerous and pointless — Zelensky

Фото: Офіс Президента

President Volodymyr Zelensky said he is ready to hold elections, but most Ukrainians consider such a vote "dangerous and pointless" in war conditions.

He said this in an interview with AP, Rubryka reports.

According to him, the war made it impossible to hold presidential elections in Ukraine, which were initially scheduled for March, in accordance with Ukraine's Constitution.

According to AP, Zelensky said there are no words to describe how difficult the presidency is in war conditions, but he also cannot imagine leaving this position.

"It would be very unfair, wrong, and certainly demotivating," he said.

Earlier, Zelensky stated that the biggest difficulties for elections during the war are security issues regarding the presence of observers, the voting of military personnel, residents of temporarily occupied territories and Ukrainians abroad, and campaign financing.

Elections during the war

We will remind you that the presidential elections in Ukraine are scheduled for March 2024.

But now, Ukraine is under martial law, which was introduced at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia. According to the law, elections are prohibited during martial law.

It should be noted that in the summer, American Senator Lindsey Graham expressed the opinion that elections in Ukraine should be held next year, regardless of whether the war ends. He believes this will be the best proof of changes in the country.

The Ukrainian authorities explained that elections are possible only after the end of hostilities.

However, President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that holding elections in the near future will take the attention of Ukrainians and the world away from the main thing — the process of restoring peace. In addition, it is difficult to organize elections in the conditions of hostilities, and it is also against the law.

In mid-November, all political forces in the Ukrainian parliament signed a memorandum on holding the next elections only after the end of martial law.


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