Фото: Ілюстративне
Ottobock is a globally renowned leader in producing and fitting modern, innovative prosthetics, orthotics, exoskeletons, and wheelchairs. During the training program, Ukrainian specialists will acquire skills such as taking accurate measurements of amputated lower limbs, producing prosthetics, conducting fittings and adjustments, working with amputated joints above the knee, and providing psychological support to patients and their families.
All costs for the stay of Ukrainian experts during the training in Germany will be covered by Ottobock. The BGV fund will handle logistical expenses.
Letters with the subject "I want to train at Ottobock," along with details of medical education, can be sent to the fund's official email: charity@bgvfund.org
As a reminder, the BGV Charity Fund, in collaboration with the Estonian government, is implementing a prosthetics program for Ukrainian defenders who lost lower limbs during combat. So far, 21 Ukrainians have received Ottobock prosthetics in Tallinn, Estonia. The BGV fund also supports Ukrainian rehabilitation specialists. In November 2023, in partnership with Estonian partners, the fund sent the first ten experts, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists, from Zhytomyr to one of the most modern hospitals in Tallinn to learn the experiences and knowledge of their international colleagues.
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