
United to win: EU Council approves €194 mln for Ukrainian military training

On November 2, the Council of the European Union decided to provide additional funding for training service members of Ukraine's armed forces.

The EU Council reported that on its website.

"The Council today decided to provide additional funding for training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces under the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine). Such support will be granted through the European Peace Facility (EPF) and take the form of necessary lethal and non-lethal equipment and supplies, as well as services to back the training activities," the statement reads.

Funding will be increased by 194 million euros, amounting to 255 million euros in total.

"The objective of today's decision is to continue supporting the capacity building of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by EUMAM, based on Ukrainian needs and taking into account the increasing scope and complexity of the training curriculum," the EU Council said.

It is also noted that this support will continue to facilitate large-scale training of the Armed Forces personnel and will allow EU member states to provide the necessary training equipment and materials.

It is worth noting that as of November, more than 34,000 Ukrainian military personnel were trained within EUMAM.

For reference:

On October 17, 2022, the EU Council approved the creation of EUMAM Ukraine with an initial term of two years. The mission is a direct response to Ukraine's request for support. It provides individual, collective, and specialized training of the Ukrainian military, as well as coordination and synchronization of training activities of member states.

In a letter dated August 23, 2023, the Ukrainian authorities recognized the vital contribution of EUMAM Ukraine and requested the expansion of training under the program for the National Guard, the State Border Guard Service, the National Police, and the Security Service of Ukraine.

Currently, 24 EU countries and Norway participate in training the Ukrainian military within EUMAM Ukraine. This is the largest mission in the entire history of the EU.

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