
Ukraine’s ombudsman calls on Polish colleague to protect rights of Ukrainian carriers on border

The Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Lubinets, reported the violation of the rights of Ukrainian drivers on the Polish border due to a strike by carriers.

Lubinets wrote about this on Telegram.

Lubinets appealed to his Polish colleague Marcin Wiącek to intervene in the situation. He said that he is approached by Ukrainian transporters who point out that due to the blockade on the border with Poland, drivers do not have access to food and water and are generally in conditions unsuitable for life. Also, many of them have deteriorated health status due to a lack of access to medical care. In addition, it was already known about the death of two drivers standing in line.

This violates the right to life and health protection, which are guaranteed by Articles 27 and 49 of the Constitution of Ukraine, says the Ukrainian Ombudsman.

In addition, the terms for which Ukrainian drivers can legally stay abroad are expiring. According to Ukraine's legislation, violations of the terms of stay abroad can be prosecuted.

Therefore, Lubinets claims, the blockade in this way also leads to a violation of the right to work, which is provided for by Article 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

To solve this situation, the Ukrainian ombudsman and his Polish colleague also turned to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal.

"This matter is under my personal control!" Lubinets assured.

For reference:

As reported by Rubryka, Polish carriers started an indefinite protest on November 6.

On November 22, the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament – ed.] appealed to the new Sejm and Senate of Poland with a proposal to unblock the border for carriers.

In turn, the Ukrainian side created a headquarters to help drivers blocked at the border. A coordinator is in constant contact with each of the three points.

In Poland, a second Ukrainian driver has died near the Korcheva-Krakowec checkpoint, where Polish carriers block the border. Kyiv also started collecting data for the evacuation of Ukrainian drivers since it was impossible to agree on it during the negotiations with the local and central authorities of Poland and the EU.

In addition, Polish farmers who joined the blockade of transporters on the border with Ukraine, even though they initially planned to block the border crossing until Saturday, want to continue their protest 24 hours a day until January 3.

In addition, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, believes that the situation that arose on the border of Poland and Ukraine happened "because of some political steps of our neighbors." And the Poles should be given some time, and relations will improve.

Polish protesters do not rule out a complete blockade of the border.

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