Ukraine plans to boost number of mobile air defense units in north

The Defense Forces are ramping up the number of mobile fire teams and improving their skills in the Northern Operational Area.

The command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces reported that on Facebook.

As the command said, the work of commanders in the Northern operational zone is constantly aimed at increasing the efficiency of mobile fire groups.

"This activity consists in increasing the number of fire groups, as well as improving the skills and professionalism of Ukrainian soldiers," the commander of the United Forces, Lieutenant General Serhiy Nayev, said.

Photo: Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

During the relevant training, service members persistently hone their skills and abilities to coordinate and effectively identify enemy targets in the air.

Photo: Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

Mobile fire groups are armed with large-caliber machine guns.

In addition, each group has:

  • searchlights for tasks at night,
  • laser pointers,
  • tablets on which information about the direction of drone movement is transmitted.

"Shortly, mobile fire groups will receive portable anti-aircraft missile systems of foreign production," Nayev added.

Photo: Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

As noted in the command, the air defense system in the Northern operational zone has several echelons. In addition to mobile fire groups, units of Ukraine's Air Force armed forces with more powerful weapons from anti-aircraft cover are involved here.

Nayev, in turn, noted the service members who work as part of mobile fire groups of air defense on the Sumy front and perform the task of covering critical infrastructure facilities and protecting the civilian population.

"These Ukrainian defenders shot down four unmanned attack drones of the Shahed type," the general said.

For reference:

It should be noted that the day before, Nayev showed the work of mobile groups on Shahed drones during the massive attack on Kyiv on November 25.

Then Russia carried out one of the largest launches of the Shahed-type UAVs on the territory of Ukraine.

In addition, the commander previously said that well-known anti-aircraft missile complexes and many mobile air defense fire groups guard the Ukrainian skies in the Northern operational zone.

In addition, President Volodymyr Zelensky recently stated that strengthening Ukrainian air defense is the best strategic investment in security.

It should be noted that Ukraine will be able to create a mighty "air dome" over its territory, which will protect it as much as possible from enemy attacks if it receives everything described in the vision of the Air Force, adopted even before a full-scale war.

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