Ursula von der Leyen, the institution's president, reported this.
"Despite the war, Ukraine keeps feeding the world. In this effort, you can count on the EU. We continue enhancing our Solidarity Lanes and will provide €50 million to repair your port infrastructure. Together, we ship Ukrainian grain to the world," she wrote on Twitter.
In a letter to President Volodymyr Zelensky, von der Leyen noted that improved port facilities would speed up the export of food and other goods that Ukraine supplies to world markets.
"Over time, our investments will allow Ukraine's ports to return to pre-war export volumes. In addition to the "solidarity routes" on land, sea routes will make Ukrainian food exports more competitive and predictable, benefit consumers worldwide, and promote food security in the most vulnerable regions," the letter says.
She added that in October of this year, Ukraine exported 4.6 million tons of grain – 3.6 million tons of goods by ship and another 1 million tons by rail and trucks.
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