16:10 25 Nov 2023

International anti-domestic violence campaign commences in Ukraine

Photo: open sourcces

An international action against violence starts on Saturday, November 25. It is aimed at drawing society's attention to the problem of domestic violence.

Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, reported this on Telegram.

"Today, I am drawing attention to one of the most common violations of human rights in the modern world — violence against women. It manifests itself in physical, sexual, psychological, and economic forms," the ombudsman said.

According to him, freedom from violence in the conditions of war gained special importance and became a basic human right.

All violators of this right must be punished by national and international courts.

The international action "16 days against violence" starts today to intensify the work of state authorities and the public and to raise public awareness.

As a sign of support, the participants of the action tie an orange ribbon on their clothes as a symbol of resistance to domestic violence.

"Join the action! Don't stand aside, don't keep silent, don't justify violence," Lubinets urged.

For reference:

On December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly declared November 25 the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Every year since 1991, this day marks the start of the worldwide campaign "16 days against gender-based violence" (November 25 – December 10).

This international action, initiated by the First World Institute of Women's Leadership in 1991, aims to draw public attention to the problem of:

  • overcoming violence in the family against women,
  • child abuse,
  • combating human trafficking,
  • ensuring equal rights of women and men,
  • activation of partnership relations between state authorities and citizen associations in these areas.

And most importantly, it aims to promote the establishment of non-violent ideology.

Therefore, it is important for everyone to realize that there is no need to be silent about the problem. Victims should seek help from the police and other competent authorities. The wrongdoer must be punished.

According to UNDP, about two million people suffer from physical domestic violence in Ukraine.

More than 80% of this is violence committed by men against women. Every year, 600 Ukrainian women die from domestic violence.

As Rubryka reported, in eight months of 2023, law enforcement officers in Ukraine registered more than 192,000 complaints about domestic violence.

It should be noted that the Center for psychological assistance for people who have suffered from domestic violence has become operational in Kamiansk in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

A center for victims of domestic violence also opened in Chervonohrad, Lviv region.

In addition, on April 4, the first psychological support training center in Ukraine was opened in the capital – the Kyiv Stress Resistance Center. Rubryka found out how it works and who will be helped by this solution.

In total, there are already 11 Rescue Centers operating in Ukraine, which provide comprehensive support on various issues free of charge.

Rubryka writes about hotlines for veterans, teens, and survivors of violence to provide support for emotional exhaustion and overwhelming feelings.


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