Senior students on the captured territories are involved in service to the enemy during their internships. They cannot refuse this order because they are threatened to be expelled from universities.
Before this order, Russian troops instructed special services to talk to the interns, also threatening them to be accused of helping Ukrainian forces.
Previously, Russian occupiers started urging captured citizens to donate their blood to their military.
The level of poverty is rapidly increasing in the occupied territories as the socio-economic crisis is growing. Russian troops regularly conduct operations to strengthen control, burn Ukrainian literature, and create criminal groups to persecute and recruit Ukrainian citizens.
Russian forces are practicing their methods on the youngest segments of the population under temporary occupation. Another step in spreading pro-Russian propaganda is school clubs, where the occupiers introduce their technologies to Ukrainian children.
Previously, Russian forces delivered 34,000 textbooks to indoctrinate Ukrainian children in the occupied Kherson region.
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Українські військові з Головного управління розвідки (ГУР) Міністерства оборони завершили навчання керування швидкісними бойовими катерами… Читати більше
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Російська федерація за останній тиждень випустила по Україні сотні бомб та безпілотників, до того ж… Читати більше
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