MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak announced that the resolution was supported by 304 deputies, Rubryka reports.
The resolution's author is President Volodymyr Zelensky, based on the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on November 20, 2023.
President Zelensky proposes to impose the following sanctions:
In August, the EU Council adopted sanctions against Belarus in response to its support for Russia's full-fledged invasion of Ukraine. The adopted measures expand the ban on exporting a range of critical goods and technologies, which contribute to strengthening Belarus's military and technological potential.
President Volodymyr Zelensky, through his decrees, also put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) on November 18, 2023, on the application and amendment of personal economic and other sanctions.
Recently, Zelensky enacted the decision of the NSDC on sanctions against nine foreign companies. In March 2023, Zelensky put into effect the NSDC decision to impose sanctions against 120 individuals and 287 legal entities, including Ukrainian ones.
On November 16, the United States tightened sanctions against the Russian Federation, this time targeting several legal entities and tankers.
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