UK has trained and supplied 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers

Around 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers who underwent training in the United Kingdom have been equipped with the necessary advanced gear by the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom.

The official procurement department of the UK Defense Ministry said in the report that they supported the training of over 30,000 ordinary Ukrainians to become soldiers as part of the largest military training program on British soil since World War II.

Ukrainian military personnel participated in Operation Interflex to enhance their training, starting in June 2022.

Slides explaining the amount of assistance provided. Photo: UK MoD

To support participants in this global program, the Ministry of Defense's procurement department also purchased all the equipment for their outfitting and conducted training to improve their combat capabilities. Additional attention was also paid to medical courses.

The Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom also allocated an additional aid package, including:

  • 82,000+ helmets
  • 25,000+ sets of winter clothing
  • 10,000+ sets of body armor
  • 70,000+ dry rations.

British protective helmet Mk.7. Photo: British Army

Apart from British instructors, instructors from other countries, including Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Australia, and Romania, joined Operation Interflex. 

The course lasted for five weeks and covered advanced weapon handling skills, first aid in the field, tactics for patrolling, combat preparation in rural areas, and basic knowledge of international laws on the battlefield.

"I am incredibly proud of all the British and Ukrainian soldiers, sailors, airmen, and women involved in this major undertaking — their dedication and professionalism today is ensuring peace for our continent in the future," said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

As noted by the British department, this training will expedite the qualification of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and facilitate the rapid deployment of forces to the front.

The concluded Operation Interflex by the United Kingdom has increased the total number of trained Ukrainian soldiers to over 52,000 since the start of Russia's first invasion of Ukraine in 2014.

"Op Interflex's size and ambition is unrivaled, the program is a key example of how the UK can help galvanize the international community into supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine," said Defense Minister Grant Shapps. "I'm delighted we will exceed the target for this year, and thank the UK trainers and our international partners who have worked night and day to reach the milestone ahead of schedule. I also pay tribute to the determination and resilience of the brave Ukrainian recruits that arrive on British shores."

Rubryka reported that Australian instructors, as part of the training operation, assisted Ukrainian troops in practicing proactive actions during the passage of the psychological sector amid dense forests.

Under the guidance of Danish instructors, the Ukrainian military is also undergoing training in conducting positional combat operations practicing actions related to preparation, capture, and maintenance of positions.

Moreover, in Canada, Ukrainian combat medics are undergoing training with added special sound effects.

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