12:24 21 Nov 2023

Survey: 41% of Ukrainian veterans need financial assistance

The "Portrait of a Veteran" online survey results indicate that nearly 41% of veterans in Ukraine require financial support, and 18% need medical assistance. 

The survey results were presented at the Ukrinform Media Center, Rubryka reports.

"We see that almost 41% (of respondents) mention that they need financial support. 18% state that they require medical assistance," said the head of the educational-analytical department of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, Yulia Kirillova.

She said that according to the survey:

  • 17.4% of veterans require psychological support,
  • 10.1% need legal support,
  • 7% need informational support,
  • 6.4% need educational support.

The survey revealed that veterans predominantly feel uncertainty about the future.

In particular, 29.7% of respondents found it challenging to answer whether they plan to return to their previous jobs after demobilization. In this regard:

  • 16% indicated they will definitely return,
  • 15.1% said they would return sooner,
  • 13.6% mentioned they would probably not return,
  • 5.3% stated they definitely plan to resign.
  • Approximately 10.3% mentioned they had already resigned, and 10.1% reported being dismissed before/during their service.


The fourth nationwide online survey was conducted by the  "Rating" sociological group at the initiative of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund of the Ministry of Veteran Affairs of Ukraine. The survey took place in September-October 2023, with the participation of 2,457 veterans and active-duty military personnel. Due to the difficult accessibility of respondents, sample requirements were not established. The survey is not representative but reflects the general issues of the target audience.

Previous surveys show that when encountering a disabled military person, Ukrainians express the following primary emotions: gratitude (60%) and sympathy (50%).

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