
Melitopol partisans poison Russian soldiers with local cafe food, causing fatalities

In the occupied Melitopol of the Zaporizhzhia region, partisans poisoned the occupiers with rat poison. According to preliminary data, the resistance movement eliminated several Russian Federal Security Service employees.

The city's mayor, Ivan Fedorov, reported that on the air of the national telethon.

According to Fedorov, Ukrainian resistance activists learned that the Russians ordered food and alcohol from one of the local cafes, after which they seasoned it all with rat poison.

"There is another batch of eliminated enemies, which is even reported by enemy Telegram channels. Our partisans ordered food in one of the local cafes, and after the Russian occupiers were able to taste it, all (the occupiers – ed.) were poisoned. Some of them died and will definitely not be able to fight against our state," Fedorov noted.

Instead, Russian media sources report that employees of the Russian Federal Security Service received the food with rat poison. As a result, at least three of them died, and one more (an officer) is in critical condition in intensive care.

Currently, the occupiers are trying to find the courier who brought the poisoned dinner to the occupiers, but all search efforts are still in vain.

For reference:

In Melitopol, the headquarters of the occupiers, where the Russian officers were, was blown up. The Russians made their headquarters in the "New Post" premises located on Dmytro Dontsov Street. The attack on the headquarters was carried out during a meeting of the occupiers, namely Federal Security Service and Russian Guard officers.

In Melitopol, partisans blew up a car with Russian invaders. As a result of the actions of local partisans during the "night hunt," the Russian invaders who were engaged in looting were eliminated.

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