Andrii Demchenko, the State Border Service spokesman, reported in Ukrainian Pravda's comment.
As the speaker of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine said, information was received from the Border Police of the Slovak Republic that today, in the afternoon, November 21, the blocking of traffic for cargo vehicles moving in the direction of the Slovak checkpoint "Vyšné Nemecké," adjacent to the Ukrainian checkpoint "Uzhhorod," began.
"It was initiated and carried out by the Union of Transporters of Slovakia. There is no information on the terms of the blocking, although it is not excluded that such actions by Slovak transporters may be long-term," said the representative of the border service.
Demchenko noted that currently, Ukrainian border guards are taking measures to:
As reported today, about 300 cargo vehicles are on Slovakia's territory in front of the Vyšné Nemecké checkpoint in the direction of Ukraine.
All interacting authorities have been notified of this truck traffic jam situation.
At the same time, the passage of passenger cars and buses is carried out as usual.
For reference:
It should be noted that Slovak truck carriers threatened to completely block the border with Ukraine if the European Commission (EC) does not resolve the situation. They demand that Brussels introduce permits for transporting Ukrainian vehicles, as European companies cannot compete with them.
For example, on November 16, activists of the Union of Motor Carriers of Slovakia (UNAS) blocked the border crossing point with Ukraine – Vyšné Nemecké – for one hour, thus joining the Polish protesters as a sign of solidarity.
In turn, the European Commission has already warned that one of the key demands of Polish carriers blocking the border with Ukraine is not legally possible.
The Ukrainian side created a headquarters to help drivers blocked at the border. A coordinator is in constant contact with each of the three points.
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