Lviv to establish research center for engineering students

The Lviv City Council officially established a partnership agreement with the Lviv IT cluster on November 17 to launch the Research Center for engineering students.

The Lviv City Council reported this.

What is the problem?

Engineers are the experts responsible for designing and improving technical machinery. This profession has a long history, dating back over a century, and is still relevant today.

Among the most outstanding specialists of this profile are such famous personalities as Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, Nikola Tesla, Serhiy Koroliov, Henry Ford, Elon Musk, and other brilliant technicians whose inventions changed the lives of society.

Of course, with time, the tasks and opportunities of engineers have changed, but the demand for these specialists in the labor market remains unchanged. This is the reason for large competitions for engineering faculties in universities in Ukraine and foreign countries.

What is the solution?

A Research Center for engineering students will be created at 5 Kalicha Hora Street in Lviv.

The City Hall signed an investment agreement on creating a Research Center for engineering students.

How does it work?

"Today, we are one step closer to implementing a significant project to create a Research Center for students of engineering specialties – everything that today gives a great added value. We are grateful to our IT cluster colleagues for participating and winning the competition," Andrii Moskalenko, first deputy mayor of Lviv, noted.

Photo: Lviv City Hall

"On International Students' Day, we symbolically signed an investment agreement to create a Research Center for students here in Lviv. And we, the Lviv IT Cluster, undertook to build, open, and manage this center. This is a logical continuation of our long work on Lviv IT education reform.

We already have 19 bachelor's programs at various universities: Lviv Polytechnic, Ivan Franko University, Academy of Arts, and others. 4,500 students study there. Each university's educational programs have their own direction, and they are not only technical programs. Now, these students study within their environments and their universities, and we want them to have the opportunity to combine in inter-university teams to combine these different experiences. For this purpose, we are creating a Research Center. The infrastructure we plan to build there, laboratories, mentoring support, and additional training programs will allow us to create a high-quality environment of promising student startups. We want all this to be with a bias towards very complex technologies, the so-called deep-tech so that we in Lviv have the opportunity to develop high-tech modern startups. It will also be an opportunity for young scientists and graduate students, who will be able to conduct their research there, work on projects and dissertations," Stepan Veselovskyi, CEO of the Lviv IT cluster, said.

The plan to establish a research center for students specializing in engineering in Lviv includes renovating a building at 5 Kalicha Hora Street, covering an area of 1,356 square meters.

Eleven laboratories from the most relevant cross-functional areas, open spaces, lecture halls, and meeting rooms will be created in the building.

Access to the center's laboratories and consumables will be free. Mentors from top companies in the Lviv IT cluster will accompany students' projects.

Free of charge for students, there will be:

  • laboratory classes,
  • project pitches,
  • trainings on the development of leadership and organizational skills,
  • organized scientific events. ​

Also, the premises of the center will be provided free of charge for conducting lectures and practical classes within the scope of training of students in technical specialties in the city's higher and vocational educational institutions.

For reference:

In September 2023, 33 students who studied at the master's programs of the American University Kyiv during the 2022-2023 academic year began their studies at one of the largest and most innovative universities in the USA – Arizona State University (ASU).

American University Kyiv is a private university that offers higher education in IT, business, and management. The curriculum is built according to the standards of Arizona State University, one of the USA's largest and most innovative universities. University students study exclusively in English and can receive Ukrainian and American diplomas.

Rubryka has clarified why Ukrainian universities will no longer be recruiting for correspondence education starting next academic year and what this change entails for students.

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