Holodomor was a man-made famine in the Soviet Union that lasted from 1932 to 1933 and claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainians.
Ukraine's Ambassador to US Oksana Markarova expressed gratitude to the governor of the state of New York Kathy Hochul, for solidarity with Ukraine.
"We express our deepest gratitude to the Governor of New York State, Kathy Hochul, for her solidarity with Ukraine. I would also like to thank the team of the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York and the Ukrainian community for their active work in commemorating the victims of the Holodomor."
Markarova urged everybody to join the Ukrainian community in commemorating the millions of innocent victims of the 1932-1933 Holodomor and invited everyone to attend the Holodomor commemoration in Washington, DC, on 25 November at the Holodomor Memorial.
The Holodomor was a famine artificially created by the Stalinist repressive regime in 1932-1933 during the height of collectivization, i.e. the forced confiscation of private property and the organization of collective farms. An estimated four to six million Ukrainians, mostly in rural areas, starved to death in that period.
On November 7, 2017, the United States Congress introduced a draft resolution dedicated to the 85th anniversary to recognize the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people. Later, a US Senate committee approved a resolution recognizing the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people.
In early November 2023, three more states recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as genocide of the people of Ukraine: Washington, Maryland, Arizona, and Wyoming.
After the start of a full-scale war, a number of countries recognized the Holodomor of 1932−1933 years as genocide of the Ukrainian people, such as Great Britain, Slovakia, Belgium, Ireland, Romania, and nine more countries.
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