Slightly less than half of Russians (48%) believe that the Kremlin should transition to peaceful negotiations in the conflict with Ukraine. These findings are based on a survey conducted by the Russian Field company from October 21 to 29 among 1611 Russians, as reported by Vyorstka.
Men more often support the continuation of the war, and respondents over the age of 45, as a rule, are financially secure.
According to the study, 74% of respondents supported signing the peace agreement by Putin "tomorrow." This figure was higher only after the start of mobilization in the fall of 2022 – then 75% of the respondents supported signing the peace agreement.
Despite this, the Russians did not agree on what exactly a peace treaty should include:
Among those surveyed by Russian Field, the majority (65%) still believe that Russia is moving in the right direction. However, this figure has decreased by 8% compared to June data. In turn, 21% of Russians think that things in the country are going wrong. Also, 56% believe that the war in Ukraine is proceeding successfully for Russia, while 25% are confident that this is not the case. The number of those dissatisfied with the course of the 'special operation' has also increased since June—by 4%.
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