What is the problem?
Due to difficult conditions in war and the shutdown of the Ukrainian economy, citizens are donating less money to the military. According to the latest survey, Ukrainians donate around 40 dollars per month, which is twice less than the previous year.
However, Ukrainian forces request more resources to stop Russian advances, so people worldwide are finding creative solutions to raise money and raise awareness of the war.
What is the solution?
The Ukrainian School in Vienna, situated in "Harry Potter's" castle, hosted a two-day charity fair that raised more than 12,600 thousand euros for the needs of the Ukrainian military.
How does it work?
A single goal united almost all Ukrainians in the Austrian capital. Elementary school students and their teachers made various souvenirs for sale, high school students painted eco-bags and patriotic T-shirts until late at night, and parents made thousands of dumplings and baked hundreds of delicacies.
Photo: Ukrainian Saturday School in Vienna / FacebookVisitors could buy embroidery, Ukrainian souvenirs, charming wreaths, and hairpins for Ukrainian beauties.
Many talented craftswomen attended the event and presented traditional Petrykivka painting, weaving and beadwork, and various artworks.
Participants made autumn wreaths, knitted scarves, and drew on glass. Both high school students and professional artists performed face painting at the fair.
"And all this was intertwined with the driving energy of the violin and the magical singing performed by our teachers. We also raffled off two prints from the genius of our time, Ivan Marchuk, which he had donated for our fair," the school added.
Students of Lyceum No. 5 in Mukachevo, Zakarpattia region, recently held a charity fair to raise money for the Ukrainian military.
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