In collusion with other persons, the suspect seized funds that the company received as a prepayment under contracts concluded with the Ukrainian defense ministry to purchase military goods.
"Subsequently, the funds were transferred to the accounts of individual entrepreneurs for the alleged provision of works and services. The crime was committed between March 2 and May 10, 2022. At that time, the suspect was the director of the company," the Prosecutor General's Office said.
On July 12, 2022, the suspect was served a notice of suspicion of misappropriation of property by abuse of office and disposal of property obtained by criminal means, committed on a particularly large scale by an organized group.
On November 6, 2023, Ukrainian prosecutors sent a request to Greek authorities for the detention and temporary arrest of the said person. A request was made to issue a Red Notice in cooperation with Interpol.
The suspect was detained and the decision of the Athens Court of Appeal imposed a temporary arrest.
Previously, Ukraine issued a suspicion notice to a former deputy defense minister, accused of embezzling nearly $28 million by purchasing subpar military uniforms from a private company.
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