
Ukraine returns four children and families from Russian-occupied territories

Another 4 Ukrainian children and their families were successfully returned from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Mykola Kuleba, the founder of the Save Ukraine fund, reported this on Telegram.

"During the occupation, for the entire last school year, two of these children studied in an online Ukrainian school while Russian raids constantly passed through their village. During such classes, the mother of the young Ukrainians looked out the window and made sure that the Russian soldiers did not break into the house. In the end, the Russian military began threatening parents that they would take away their children, take away their houses, and deport them themselves. Therefore, the family was forced to send their children to a Russian school," Kuleba said.

He also said that at the school, the children were obliged to wrap themselves in the flag of the Russian Federation and walk in it until the end of the lessons. When some children got tired and asked to take it off, the teacher agreed. However, within a moment, an armed Russian soldier scolded the children for "disliking Russia." In the school corridors, children constantly saw such armed soldiers who stood under the classrooms and took 10-year-old Ukrainians to "educational discussions" for carelessly saying "please" in Ukrainian in class. Fortunately, the children managed to go to the Russian school for only four days until Ukrainian saviors took the family from there.

Now, the families have already crossed the Ukraine-controlled territories and are safe. Now, they are waiting for psychological recovery and a gradual return to normal life.

According to Mykola Kuleba, the Save Ukraine team has already returned 204 children from Russia and temporarily occupied territories.

For reference:

As Rubryka previously reported, within the Bring Kids Back UA program framework, it was possible to return two more children to Ukraine. They came with their grandmother. In addition, Ukraine has agreements on the return to controlled lands of 17-year-old Ukrainian Bohdan Yermokhin, who was illegally deported from Mariupol by the Russian military in 2022.

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