
EU mission to visit Ukraine to discuss security guarantees

In early December, representatives from the European Union will visit Ukraine to present proposals for security guarantees on behalf of the European Council.

EU High Representative Josep Borrell said this in Brussels during a press conference following the Council of Ministers of the EU on Foreign Affairs results, according to Ukrinform.

"We discussed our military support and security commitments. I received a mandate from European leaders during the last meeting of the European Council to develop the EU's security obligations for Ukraine. We are working on this with the member countries, and at the beginning of the month, we will send a mission to Ukraine to discuss our proposals with the Ukrainians. Would I be able to go – I would be very happy to do so – but in any case, the Deputy Secretary General for Security and Defense will go to Ukraine to present these proposals," Borrell said.

He noted that the discussion of the mentioned proposals between EU member states is currently ongoing. According to Borrell, these proposals will include a targeted military aid package for Ukraine within the framework of the European Peace Fund. They will be presented to the European Council for consideration at the end of the year in December.

The high representative of the EU separately emphasized that despite the situation in Gaza, the European Union does not lose sight of the events in Ukraine, which remains high on the European agenda.

"Minister Kuleba explained to us the current priorities and needs on winter's eve. We know that Putin is once again trying to turn hunger and winter, cold, and food into weapons. He is increasingly targeting energy and export infrastructure facilities, which is causing damage not only to Ukraine but to the entire world. We must continue to support Ukraine," Borrell stressed.

He noted that the priority task for the EU remains the achievement of a sustainable and just peace based on the Ukrainian "peace formula," which has already been discussed at the international level. Currently, the EU continues to train 40,000 Ukrainian service members, which is 10,000 more than was planned when the EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine (EUMAM) was launched.

"We remain committed to reconstruction and reforms in Ukraine; we support it in its efforts to join the European Union. Last week, the European Commission gave a positive recommendation to the European Council to open negotiations with Ukraine, which is the fastest way to advance the country to membership from the moment of the request, then – the recognition of Ukraine as a candidate country, and finally to the opening of negotiations," the High Representative of the EU.

For reference:

As previously reported by Rubryka, following today's meeting of EU foreign ministers, Borrell said that Ukraine is a top priority and the EU will not tire of its support obligations.


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