The head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Vice PM of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, reported.
He noted that the Russians lost, in particular:
"It is important that there is a video for each number that confirms the hit of equipment or positions," Fedorov emphasized.
For reference:
In July 2022, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces, and the State Special Forces announced the first collection for the Army of Drones through the fundraising platform UNITED24.
So, the Army of Drones has been prevalent for over a year now. During this time, Ukraine has made significant contributions to the industry, including the establishment of mass production facilities, UAV strike companies, and the training of drone operators – all of which are the main accomplishments of the project.
In addition, the United 24 fundraising platform raised $325 million in one year, and 10,000 UAV operators have already been trained as part of the Army of Drones project in Ukraine.
As the Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov noted, the production and number of drones in Ukraine have increased more than 100 times compared to last year.
As he noted, there is a real boom in the production of drones in Ukraine. In particular, because the government managed to simplify procedures for developers and manufacturers of weapons and military equipment.
In particular, this year, the Cabinet of Ministers [Ukraine's government – ed.] allocated 40 billion hryvnias for investments in Ukrainian drone manufacturers.
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