Volodymyr Fitio, head of the public relations service of the Land Forces Command, said during a telethon.
"Still, the weather will contribute to the fighting. If it rains now, the use of both aviation and attack drones will decrease. Accordingly, it will be harder for the equipment to move. But again, artillery has been used and will continue to be used," the spokesman said.
The representative of the Land Forces added that an important task for Ukrainian troops was to cut Russian supply lines and destroy the enemy's rear and forward positions.
Yurii Ihnat, the Air Force spokesman, also mentioned the impact of the weather on aviation.
"The enemy will adjust its attacks and assaults according to its tactical and strategic plans. Weather conditions will now affect aviation activities. The air situation significantly depends on the weather conditions and the process of strikes is affected by the weather," Ihnat said during the telethon.
Ihnat noted that guided aerial bombs are a big problem for the frontline area. As for the missiles, out of the three targets fired at midnight, two Kh-59 missiles and an Iskander ballistic missile, one of them, namely the KhA-59, was shot down behind the Ukrainian troops.
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