Kharkiv builds first school with shelter able to withstand direct ballistic missile hit

Kharkiv authorities launched the construction of an underground school with a shelter that is supposed to withstand a direct hit from an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system in Korotychi.

What is the problem?

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russia has been shelling Kharkiv and the region with various types of weapons, including S-300 ballistic systems.

After the Ukrainian military liberated almost the entire region, the S-300 could still easily reach Kharkiv and the region's settlements.

Russian forces are also targeting educational institutions in the city, as was the case on the night of August 1.

"Unfortunately, everyone sees the consequences of the events that took place in Kharkiv region. The enemy used several "arrivals" and 5 "Shaheds". The situation is like with ballistic or artillery weapons. The closer you are to the point of impact, to the place of launch, the more chances the enemy has to do what they are doing.

Kursk region is very close to Kharkiv region, it is a frontline region, so it is not always possible to destroy at night, especially when the enemy strikes unexpectedly," explained Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ihnat at the time.

What is the solution?

Head of the local administration Oleh Syniehubov said one of the planned shelters is already under construction. The project is a school underground where children will be able to study.

This is the first of such shelters to be built in the Kharkiv region.

How does it work?

The shelter can accommodate about 500 people at a time, corresponding to the number of students and teachers in the school.

The shelter will be able to house people from the neighboring kindergarten, offices, and other buildings. Authorities specified the project will cost over $2,5 million.

Photo: Oleh Syniehubov, Kharkiv administration

The underground shelter will have sanitary rooms, three exits, and an autonomous source of electricity.

The school will have a football and basketball field and a green area.

Photo: Oleh Syniehubov, Kharkiv administration

A thousand Kharkiv schoolchildren will study in the subway. Since September 2023, 65 "metro classes" have been opened at five metro stations, said Mayor Ihor Terekhov. 1187 children are enrolled in the metro school, which is 21% more than at the beginning of the school year.

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