Фото: З відкритих джерел
What is the problem?
Ukraine has over 90,000 soldiers who lost limbs in the war and counts a huge number of disabled people, which will certainly pose a serious challenge to the country's economy.
"Our labor force has definitely suffered a collapse during the war. In addition to the fact that the able-bodied population went to the front, those who are at the front have received various kinds of injuries and are unable to return to normal life, and many high-class specialists have left Ukraine and have already adapted in other countries over the past year and a half," said MP Yulia Yatsyk.
What is the solution?
Soldiers and civilians with war-related disabilities can study in Ukraine for free. The government has launched a pilot project.
How does it work?
War veterans and people with disabilities can receive free vocational training at the Vocational Education Centers of the State Employment Service.
There are currently eight centers in Ukraine, providing education for 95 working professions and
365 programs of advanced training.
The training lasts up to six months through full-time or part-time classes or remotely.
Meanwhile, the Prometheus education platform started a free drone engineering course.
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