18:46 10 Nov 2023

Russia has lost 10,000 troops during month-long assault of Avdiivka – Zaluzhnyi

Photo: facebook.com.vzaluznyj

November 10 marks one month since Russian forces launched another intense offensive on the outskirts of Avdiivka in Donetsk region.

During this time, Russia has lost about 10,000 soldiers, says the AFU chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi in his latest Facebook post.

"It's been a month since the enemy began actively storming Avdiivka. A month of fierce battles, endurance and victory of our defenders who continue to heroically hold the line," the statement said.

Zaluzhnyi noted that during this time, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed more than 100 enemy tanks, 250 armoured vehicles, about 50 artillery systems, and seven Su-25 aircraft.

The AFU chief thanked Ukrainian units of infantry, artillery, tankers, scouts, drone operators and medics.

Situation near Avdiivka is tough but under control 

The Estonian Intelligence Centre said that in the coming weeks, Russia will continue to maintain the intensity of hostilities to capture Avdiivka by the end of this year.

The spokesman for the Tauride forces Oleksandr Shtupun says the enemy troops had lost 6,500 soldiers since the start of the offensive on Avdiivka on October 29.

UK intelligence claims that active assaults by the occupation forces near Avdiivka have led to a 90% increase in Russian army losses.

The head of the city's administration Vitalii Barabash said that Russian troops are continuously shelling Avdiivka, which could turn the city into "a completely destroyed Mariinka in 2-3 weeks."


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