“Consistent with their constitution”: US backs Zelensky’s reluctance to hold elections next spring

The US State Department voiced the understanding of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's reluctance to organize the presidential elections during the war. 

All elections, including the presidential ballot, are technically suspended under martial law following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

In a daily video address on Monday, Zelensky said it was "not the time for elections" and called on the need to concentrate all resources on fighting Russia. He believes that it is irresponsible and frivolous to throw the issue of elections into society during wartime.

When asked about Zelensky's statement at a press briefing, US State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said that not holding elections was "consistent with their constitution."

"I think it's important to remember that Ukraine is in this situation because Russia continues to wage its full-scale illegal war against Ukraine. Ukraine and its people are fighting for survival," he said.

"It's important to remember that Ukraine is in this position because Russia continues to wage its full-scale illegal war against Ukraine. The Ukrainian people are fighting for survival," Patel said, condemning Russia's "daily bombardments of civilian infrastructure across Ukraine."

Patel also reminded reporters that almost 20% of the territory of Ukraine was under temporary occupation. Tens of millions of citizens were forced to become refugees and displaced persons. At the same time, Russia continues its daily shelling of the entire Ukrainian territory.

"We also have made clear with our Ukrainian partners our commitment to supporting not just Ukraine in its fight but our commitment to support a careful and constitutional approach to keeping democracy strong in wartime," Patel said.

He also added that the US remains committed not only to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression but also to preserving the strength of democracy in wartime.

Elections during the war

The presidential elections in Ukraine are scheduled for March 2024. Since the beginning of the full-scale war and the introduction of martial law, elections are prohibited according to the law.

In the summer, US Senator Lindsey Graham expressed the opinion that elections in Ukraine should be held next year, regardless of whether the war ends. He believes that this will be the best proof of changes in the country.

In his turn, President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that the holding of elections in the near future will take the attention of Ukrainians and the world away from the main thing — restoring peace. It is also difficult to organize elections in the conditions of hostilities, and it is also against the law.

More than 60% of Ukrainian citizens believe that elections are necessary only after the end of the war, the International Republican Institute (IRI) reported.

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