Ukraine’s state arms producer begins mass production of 1,000-km-range drones

Ukrainian state arms manufacturer "Ukroboronprom" has launched serial production of new long-range strike drones. 

The technical and functional characteristics of domestic drones are better than those of Iranian Shahed analogs, the general director Herman Smetanin told the European Pravda, Rubryka reports.

The company's leader confirmed that such a drone, capable of flying approximately 1,000 kilometers, is already being mass-produced in cooperation with foreign partners.

"I won't say where exactly for security reasons. The main thing is that they fly and explode, and the Ukrainian forces order them," said the general director of Ukroboronprom.

Smetanin also said that Ukraine had an analog of the Shahed barrage drone, as well as more powerful models with a longer combat range.

"There are many state and private manufacturers in Ukraine. We have an analog of the Shahed, and there are more powerful models because the Shahed does not fly that far. We are now focused on producing more complex and expensive projects with high characteristics," he explained.

The Ukroboronprom facilities launched licensed production of three models of FPV drones of private companies.

"FPV drones are in great demand now. We help private firms scale their products. We have signed license agreements with three large companies to manufacture their models. We have people, premises, components are delivered to us, and we manufacture. We help scale developments to anyone who appeals to us," said Smetanin.

What we know about a new long-range drone

Earlier, "Ukroboronprom" announced the launch of the new ammunition capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 1,000 km and weighing about 75 kilograms, reporting successful tests of such a UAV.

In December of last year, Oleh Boldyrev, the project manager, said that Ukraine had developed a drone similar to the Iranian Shahed, but with an important improvement, and the Ukrainian drone would be able to attack targets several times.

"Ukroboronprom" noted that the developers used some parts of foreign production, but the development, software, and means of communication are Ukrainian. The company also talked about the technical characteristics of the new product.

Ukraine has also developed a secret strike drone with a range of 800 kilometers. Ukrainian experts revealed the characteristics of the Ukrainian development — a long-range Morok drone.

As the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, reported, the production and number of drones in Ukraine increased more than 100 times compared to last year.

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