
Polish-Ukrainian border traffic hindered by protest from Polish cargo transporters

At three checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish road, the movement of trucks is complicated due to a strike by Polish transporters.

The State Border Service of Ukraine reported this.

"After 1:00 p.m., there was a gradual blocking of freight traffic in the direction of the checkpoints "Yahodyn-Dorokhusk," "Krakivets-Korchova," "Rava-Ruska-Khrebenne," – the message says

The border guards mentioned that there may be some traffic issues when entering or exiting Poland.

"The protest organizers intend to allow only one truck to pass through per hour. Meanwhile, the protesters aim to permit trucks carrying safe and essential cargo such as humanitarian aid, livestock, and perishable goods to pass through," the message reads.

In addition, according to the available data, the organizers of the actions on the territory of Poland do not plan to obstruct the movement of buses and light vehicles. The State Border Service urged citizens and carriers who plan to cross the border with Poland to take this information into account.

Border guards conduct explanatory work with drivers of cargo vehicles regarding the reasons for delayed registration. In case of additional information, the State Border Service will inform about it on its official pages.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Reconstruction received a notification about the preparation of the blockade of checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border. In turn, the department initiated a meeting with official representatives of Poland and the European Commission (EC) to ensure the stable operation of the border.

For reference:

As reported on Monday, Polish carriers announced a blockade of truck traffic near the three largest checkpoints on the border between Poland and Ukraine: "Korchova-Krakivets," "Khrebenne-Rava Ruska," "Dorokhusk-Yahodyn."

The protest organizer near the "Korchova-Krakivets" PP Tomasz Borkovskyi, stated that the passage of trucks would be blocked, but humanitarian and military aid for Ukraine would be allowed through. According to him, the protest has been officially registered by Polish carriers with local authorities until January 3, 2024.

Among the demands of the carriers to the Polish government:

  • the return of the practice of permits for Ukrainian carriers;
  • strengthening of transport rules for foreign carriers under ECMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport);
  • impossibility of registering companies in Poland if their financial activity takes place outside the territory of the EU;
  • creation of a separate queue for cars with license plates of EU countries;
  • creating a separate queue at all borders for empty vans, gaining access to the Ukrainian system "Shliakh" (The Way in English – ed.]

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