Volunteers from western Ivano-Frankivsk establish rehabilitation center for Ukrainian veterans

Volunteers of the Frankivsk Resistance movement in western Ukraine are setting up a rehabilitation centre for war veterans called Franko Hrazhda.

What is the problem?

The rehabilitation of soldiers with leg injuries and amputations is a complex and time-consuming process, both psychologically and physiologically. Veterans have to learn to walk again and feel the world around them.

The psychological state is equally important. Nowadays, most military and civilians feel tired, exhausted, depressed, or addicted to substances.

More soldiers are returning to civilian life, mainly due to injuries, trauma, disability and deteriorating health.

What is the solution?

Volunteers of the Frankivsk Resistance movement in western Ukraine are setting up a rehabilitation centre for war veterans called Franko Hrazhda.

How does it work?

The center's founder Volodymyr Ryzhkov says he bought the building for the space in August 2023. It is currently being renovated, and a boiler room, workshop and open veranda are being added to the centre.

The centre will have 10 rooms, as well as a kitchen, showers and bathrooms. The work is scheduled to be completed by May 2024. Photo: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk

This is a place where I can protect myself, where I can be at peace. A grazhda is a very specific building structure. It is visually pleasing to the eye, and it also provides additional protection. In the mountains, there is more precipitation, and we want to have a place where we can stay under a roof, said Volodymyr.

The centre is planning to equip two kilns for firing ceramics to hold master classes for the military.

Photo: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk

Seven craftsmen are currently working on the project. One of them is carpenter Bohdan Smetaniuk, who says that by the beginning of winter, he and his team plan to cover the roof of the house.

We are making an opening for the stairs. We need to break the wall and finish the rooms. There is a lot of work to be done.

Ihor Fufalko is a 2014 veteran. The man says that when the full-scale war, he returned from Belgium to defend the country as part of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade "Edelweiss".

Photo: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk

Ihor used to be a gunner, but in August 2023 he was wounded in a battle near Bakhmut. He is now helping to build a rehabilitation centre for veterans.

I have eight years of combat experience. I came back so that young, inexperienced guys would not leave. I taught a lot to those who were with me. Only I and the commander survived from my platoon. We are now building a rehabilitation centre for the guys here so they can go in for training and forget about their difficulties.

The centre is designed for 40 people. Volodymyr Rozhnov says that after the opening of the facility, they plan to organise eight-day stays for rehabilitation of veterans.

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