The home was created for children who are undergoing treatment in Kyiv, far from their native home, Rubryka reports.
What is the problem?
The Zaporuka Foundation is creating the conditions to provide children the opportunity to have a normal life despite complex treatment. Family coziness, favorite games, new friends with similar experiences who will understand and support you in a difficult moment — all this can be provided at the "Dacha."
What is the solution?
"Dacha" is a family home where the entire family of a small patient can live for free during the long-term treatment when the therapy must be continued, but there is no longer a need to stay in the hospital walls around the clock.
"We created a new independent "Dacha" even more cozy and comfortable, and, most importantly, safe. All this became possible thanks to the support of partners. We built it together with 65 companies, including conscious Ukrainian businesses and international organizations," says Natalia Onipko, the founder and president of the Zaporuka Charity Foundation.
"Zaporuka" has been helping children with cancer for almost 20 years. It usually rented premises for "Dacha," but from now on, it has its own space, designed for the needs and comfortable stay of patients. Currently, the family home hosts children from the pediatric oncology department of the National Cancer Institute and the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdyt."
How does it work?
The history of "Dacha" began in 2009 when the Zaporuka Foundation allowed families to be together while their children were being treated. During the long years of the project's existence, until February 24, 2022, 1,347 children of various ages from all over the country lived in the old rented "Dacha" space, which gave kids an atmosphere of family comfort.
The issues of safety, stability, and comfort of the wards quickly inspired the foundation's team to create an independent family home. So, in 2018, the Zaporuka Foundation and its partners laid the first brick of the large construction of a new independent "Dacha," which lasted five years.
Natalia Onipko, the Zaporuka director, noted that the main value of the family home is the opportunity for family members to be inseparable during the treatment of a child far from home. Here, patients will receive support and help during the fight against a deadly disease in conditions close to home, in the arms of relatives who are nearby.
The new modern house, specially built for the "Dacha Family House" project, is unique in Ukraine. This is not just 950 square meters of housing but a whole complex of support for children and their families during treatment and recovery.
The house provides:
Also, a bomb shelter was set up on the territory of "Dacha" to ensure the safety of residents during air attacks.
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