Russia failed tests of Yars and Bulava nuclear missiles – Ukraine’s intelligence

On November 1, 2023, Russia tested the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile, which is the main component of the ground-based component of the Russian strategic nuclear forces.

On October 25, a test launch of the RSM-56 Bulava ballistic missile from the Borei submarine missile cruiser was completed, Ukraine's intelligence reports.

Yars ballistic missile

The Yars missile was reportedly launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region; however, went off course in the same way as during the previous exercise on October 25, 2023.

On November 1, 2023, the aggressor state conducted unsuccessful tests of the RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile, which is the main component of the ground-based component of the strategic nuclear forces, Ukrainian intelligence noted.

Sarmat ballistic missile

Bein produced since 2009, the RS-28 Sarmat heavy silo-based ICBM faces the same issue. Moscow planned to adopt it in 2018, but the date was constantly postponed until September 2023.

Compared to the RS-20 Voyevoda ICBM manufactured in Ukraine, the Sarmat missile created to replace it lacks any advantages in design, warhead, or methods of overcoming missile defense. In fact, the Sarmat is an unfinished, imperfect, crude missile.

Bulava ballistic missile

The test launch of the RSM-56 Bulava ballistic missile from the Borey submarine missile cruiser on October 25, 2023, was also unsuccessful, which once again proved its unreliability, the report added.

Russia also has difficulties in its plans to improve the air components of its strategic nuclear forces. As part of the modernization of Tu-160 and Tu-95S aircraft, the Russians have the ability to process 1-2 aircraft annually.

The delivery of new Tu-160M2 strategic bombers scheduled for 2023 has been postponed to a later date, as the Russians have not been able to resume production of a new version of the NK-32 engines, the press service said.

On March 1, Russia unilaterally notified the US that it was terminating its participation in the INF Treaty, this announced by Putin himself.

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