The Pentagon reported this.
"Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced additional security assistance to meet Ukraine's critical security and defense needs. This includes a reduction of up to $125 million in security assistance from DoD stockpiles to meet urgent military needs of Ukraine," the message reads.
It is noted that $300 million has also been allocated from the funds of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) to strengthen Ukraine's air defenses in the long term.
It is about the fiftieth tranche of equipment of the Joe Biden administration, which will be provided to Ukraine from the reserves of the Ministry of Defense from August 2021.
What is included in the aid package:
Also, Ukraine will receive additional ammunition with laser guidance to combat unmanned aerial systems.
The Pentagon clarified that this package uses $300 million in USAI funds provided under a continuing resolution passed by Congress and depletes the remaining USAI funds currently available to support Ukraine.
For reference:
The United States is committed to working with approximately 50 allies and partners to provide Ukraine with the capabilities it needs to defend itself now and deter Russian aggression in the future.
"Assisting in the security of Ukraine is a wise investment in our national security. It helps prevent greater conflict in the region and deters potential aggression elsewhere while strengthening our defense and industrial base and creating high-skilled jobs for the American people," the Pentagon noted.
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