Kuleba noted that the basis of the recently implemented Peace Formula is respect for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
No, Kuleba answered briefly when asked by the moderator whether Ukraine was negotiating with Russia "behind closed doors."
If we translate from diplomatic (language – ed.) to ordinary language, it means that Russia has to get out of Ukraine. Until this happens, until it is ready to do so, there is no point in holding any negotiations, Kuleba said.
The minister called for faith in Ukraine so "its victory will also be a victory for Germany."
Commenting on the situation with the Taurus long-range missiles that Ukraine has been requesting since spring, Kuleba said that "the issue is open, but Germany needs time."
The minister reiterated that Ukraine has built trusting relations with its partners, so they should not worry that the weapons provided will not be used in the way they ask for.
At the same time, Dmytro Kuleba thanked the German government for the second Patriot air defense system, which will help protect Ukrainian infrastructure.
Kyiv does not feel a decline in support from its Western partners, but due to the war in the Middle East, media attention to the war in Ukraine has decreased.
Kuleba is visiting Berlin on November 2-3, holding meetings with German politicians and participating in the "European Conference" at the ministerial level, dedicated to EU reform and enlargement policy.
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