Фото: Нацполіція України
All communities are prone to constant Russian shelling, which destroys housing.
The measures are intended to motivate parents to fulfil their legal duty to save children's lives, the police stressed.
Police say that 252 children are to be evacuated from eight settlements near the frontline.
To evacuate civilians from the danger zone, they use armoured vehicles and follow agreed routes.
Law enforcement officers have special helmets and bulletproof vests for children. There are additional protective kits for adults, the police added.
The National Police clarifies that children are evacuated with the consent of their parents or persons in loco parentis and other legal representatives.
At least one of the parents must accompany the child to the evacuation, or this right can be transferred to another relative or guardianship authorities.
The evacuation is being carried out by the White Angel group together with the rescuers, patrol police, security police and local authorities.
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