Ukraine’s Security Service shuts down 20 centers of Kremlin-linked AllatRa religious organization

As part of a multi-stage special operation in Kyiv and other regions, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies blocked over 20 centers of the anti-Ukrainian AllatRa pseudo-religious organization.

The organization justified Russia's war against Ukraine under the guise of "missionary work" and publicly promoted the Kremlin's idea of creating a "union of Slavic peoples" under Moscow's leadership.



The organization built a clear hierarchical structure and their own "representative offices" in each regional centre of Ukraine. These 'AllatRa' centers massively called on local residents to join the sect and spread the Kremlin's ideas, the press release said.

To find like-minded audience and spread pro-Russian propaganda, they created a Youtube channel with almost half a million users.

The sect also launched a network of their own media, Internet resources, Telegram channels and TikTok pages, to publish pro-Russian videos with terrorist narratives.

They also called on Russian occupiers to carry out massive missile and bomb attacks on the civilian infrastructure of Ukrainian cities.

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During the investigation, law enforcement officers obtained evidence of the guilt of the leadership and active members.

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During 2002-2023, the criminals spread anti-Ukrainian sentiment in the country and abroad.

During the period of its existence, the pro-Russian sect created its own centers in Russia, Belarus and several other countries in Europe, Central Asia and the United States, the press service added.

The leaders of the sect illegally fled Ukraine in the spring of 2022, using false documents on deregistration from the military. The criminals continued to manage the organisation remotely from a European country.

Photo: Photo:

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