20:33 02 Nov 2023

Ukrainian authorities start mandatory evacuation of 300 children from front line region in Kharkiv

Фото: Ілюстративне

Due to dangerous conditions in five communities of the frontline Kupiansk district of the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian authorities announced mandatory evacuation of children.

275 minors and their families from 66 settlements planned to be transported to more reliable places, the Ministry of Reintegration says.

Members of the Coordinate Staff unanimously supported the decision of the Kharkiv authorities on the mandatory evacuation of the population under martial law.

According to the decision, within 45 days, they plan to conduct a free evacuation of 275 children and their families from the seven territorial communities of the Kupiansk district.

The authorities call such a step necessary due to the difficult security situation under martial law, as Russian forces reach all civilians with shelling.

Ukrainian police officers have evacuated 67 children from frontline Donetsk region over the past week

As of the morning of October 30, 2023, the juvenile prosecutors reported 510 Ukrainian children were killed in Russian hostilities and more than 1,141 children received injuries of varying severity.

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