Before the full-scale war in 2022, Russian aggression killed seven journalists.
Since 2014, Russia's war on Ukraine has been going hand-in-hand with crimes against journalists and the suppression of independent journalism in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories and, with the start of the full-scale war in 2022, also in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. Murder, abduction, death threats, arrests of media workers – this is but a short list of crimes committed by the Russian occupiers against the media, says Kateryna Diachuk, head of the IMI freedom of speech monitoring department.
Before 2022, three of them were killed while performing an assignment, and four were killed as soldiers. All of them died in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Russia has killed 68 journalists since its start of the all-out war.
Ten of them were killed while performing their professional duties, while 58 died as soldiers or in Russian shelling or torture.
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